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北京如依家装饰有限公司 北京 北京市 69.7k 收藏店铺 联系我们 首页 产品 公司简介 业务类型 - 业务范围 布艺软饰、香氛/香薰 成立时间 1998年 公司所在地 北京朝阳区远洋新干线A座1505室 公司网址 - 邮编号码 100027 员工人数 10人以下 注册资金 未填写 联系我们 公司介绍 如依家装饰有限公司由杜达霏女士于1988年创立,专注于为各高档酒店、私人会所、豪宅别墅、房地产样板间售楼处等提供整体软装解决方案。  如依家的设计基于对每个案例的深入调查研究,采用国际最前沿设计理念,以其独特新颖的眼光和最细致入微的风格精心打造每个案例。精益求精,从不懈怠,是如依家一贯的品质。除了拥有自主家居品牌,如依家还获得了全球顶级供应商的支持全力支持,将中国元素和“如依家”元素镶嵌于国际顶级奢侈品家居之中。在如依家,呆板的家具、布料、壁纸、皮革、灯具,饰品等瞬间有了灵性。  设计以人为本,设计服务于生活。如依家用心为您打造艺术之家、生活之家、舒适之家、精致之家、绝美之家。    Ruyijia Decoration Company was founded in 1988 by Ms. Lotus Du. The Company is dedicated in the overall soft outfit solutions of high-grade hotels, private clubs, luxury villas, real estate sales offices etc.   Ruyijia’s design is based on the deep study of every individual case, to imply the most advanced international design concept, and its own unique and meticulous style to each project. Refine on, never slack off, is Ruyijia’s consistent quality. In addition to its own home furnishing brands, Ruyijia also won the world's top suppliers’ support, to imbed the Chinese elements and "Ruyijia" elements into the international top luxury home furnishing. In Ruyijia, the wooden furniture, wallpaper, fabrics, leather, lamps, and decoration become alive.   Design is oriented from people, design is to serve life. Ruyijia is dedicated to create you a home of art, a home for life, a home that is cozy, a home that is elegant, and a home that reaches its ultimate beauty. 产品列表 查看更多 成套卧室家具 其他 询盘 享受工厂价 成套餐厅家具 其他 询盘 享受工厂价 成套家具 其他 询盘 享受工厂价 成套客厅家具 其他 询盘 享受工厂价