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杭州观艺环境设计有限公司 浙江省 杭州市 批发商/零售商/服务商 6k 收藏店铺 联系我们 首页 产品 公司简介 业务类型 批发商/零售商/服务商 业务范围 布艺软饰、香氛/香薰、工艺品、装饰家具、装饰布艺 成立时间 2013年 公司所在地 浙江省杭州市下城区新天地街406号星城发展大厦2栋402室 公司网址 https://mooya-home.taobao.com/?spm=2013. 邮编号码 - 员工人数 50-100人 注册资金 300000人民币 联系我们 公司介绍 MOOYA品牌的创始人M女士,出身于艺术世家,自小沉浸于艺术氛围,对于手工创作充满兴趣和灵感。在伦敦艺术大学求学期间,专攻Fashion Textile,将自己多年对于生活和艺术的理解融入手工刺绣。她的珠绣、刺绣作品多次被伦敦的时装纺织工作室选中,深受时尚界人士的欢迎。在英伦生活的耳濡目染,使得M对于欧洲的室内装饰品产生了浓厚的兴趣,因此创立了MOOYA品牌,用自己独特的融合东西方审美的理念去塑造品牌。MOOYA以其“素而不寡,雅而不淡”的高贵面孔,结合中国特有的供应链优势,让艺术流行起来,让生活时尚起来,以极具性价比的优势让MOOYA成为新时尚生活方式产品代言人!Lady M, the founder of MOOYA, comes from an art family. Immersed in the artistic atmosphere since childhood, she is gifted in handmade creation. During her study at University of the Arts London(UAL), she specialized in Fashion Textile, integrating her understanding of life and art into manual embroidery. Her embroidery works (including beaded embroidery works) always catch the attention of fashion textile studios in London, being especially popular with fashion people. Influenced by her life in Britain, Lady M has developed a keen interest in European interior decoration. Therefore, she founded the brand MOOYA, with her unique concept of eastern and western aesthetics.With her "simple but not scant, refined but not reserved" noble face, and unique advantages of supply chain in China, MOOYA is born with excellent performance cost ratio, which qualifies MOOYA as an excellent spokesperson of new fashion lifestyle products, to make art popular, make life fashionable. 产品列表 查看更多 极简风黑白条纹抱枕 抱枕 ¥139起 享受工厂价 锌色水墨绣花方枕 靠包 ¥139起 享受工厂价 爆款 胡桃木几何皮质贴布绣方枕 靠包 ¥159起 享受工厂价 新品 冥色皮质编织肌理方枕 抱枕 ¥169起 享受工厂价