FAENZA法恩波叔奶茶加盟费莎对话Blakk首席设计师Jaren Goh,带你深入了解CIRKLE系列

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FAENZA法恩莎+Blakk DESIGNER INTERVIEW / 设计师采访专栏:JAREN GOH, BLAKK编者按:今天,我们离艺术很近,设计师们通过作品载着我们寰宇飞行,在他们创作的宇宙中,我们将无限接近艺术的穹顶。但你真的读懂了设计师的艺术化作品吗?那些深刻、自由或包含批判性的创作理念,又该如何理解?FAENZA法恩莎 将推出 Designer 微访谈系列,通过对话缩短与设计师的距离,在有限的文字里,找到艺术生活的答案。 “ As a team, we always believe thatgood design should be simple yet complicated.Distinctive but make common senseat the same time.”“ 作为一个团队,我们始终认为好的设计,应该是简单但又复杂,独特且有意义的。”——JAREN GOH, BLAKK 设计团体BLAKK & JAREN GOHJaren Goh,Blakk 新加坡联合创始人及首席设计 ,自创办以来,已为众多国际客户创造了多个具有影响力的设计作品,曾因Rollertoaster 和Orangin 产品设计两度获得德国红点奖。Blakk 尤为擅长并热衷于创造能成为空间中焦点、在商业上又可行性及颠覆性的产品和品牌,执着于将无定性的、不妥协的设计从电子产品带入到家居领域的商业设计中。 Q:1FAENZA法恩莎:作为FAENZA法恩莎 高端套系产品CIRKLE的主笔设计师,您的设计灵感来源于什么?JAREN GOH:To be honest, Its pretty hardfor me to pinpoint exactly what inspires a designexcept the fact that it’s a culmination of adesigner’s, everyday experiences, things we seeeveryday, things we do everyday, people weinteract with everyday, past and present. It’s asum of all these things.Unfortunately, there  was no sudden epiphany forme. It’s the sum of all my experiences and yes,it comes with a lot of practice.说真的,我很难准确地指出具体是哪个瞬间或者哪个事物激发了我的设计灵感。我想这个灵感,主要来自于一个设计师的日常的经验。艺术很大部分来源采集点11.29于生活,譬如我们每天看到的东西,每天需要做的事情,人与人之间的互动。有点遗憾,我没有那种突如其来的灵感。这些都是我累积的经验,不管是过去还是现在,我的灵感就是我所有大量练习的经验总和。 Q:2FAENZA法恩莎:CIRKLE 这套作品中你最满意的细节是什么?JAREN GOH:I love the way we put the sink,faucet and vanity together into a seamless pieceof art. Simple geometrical shapes comingtogether is beautiful. Again the shower systemdesign is very satisfying for us. The final productwill not fail to attract your attention once youencounter it. That’s basically our motto as adesign company also:To design stuff that refuses to be ignored.So in summary, I like almost every aspect ofthis design. I think it’s a truly beautiful andintelligent piece. Right here, I would like tomention the fact that Faenza allows its designerto have almost 100% contro (2)概念关联阶段是根据确定的设计方向来选择和定义相应的设计方式或理念,使设计方式和理念具有倾向性和针对性。通常针对马斯洛的5个需求层次可以分别采用5F设计法(5F指:功能Function、友好性Friendliness、趣味性Fun、新奇性Fancy、人性化Feeling)。 图5-25 基于需求层次理论的设计模式 Fig.5-25 The design model based on Maslow' s hierarchy of needsl in design andcreation. I dare to say that this is very rarefor a company or client. Giving full reins tothe designer only opens up 茶馆ce for truly成都定制家具amazing products.我比较满意的是,我们将洗脸盆、龙头和盥洗台这三个独立且日常的卫浴产品相互组合,设计成一个艺术品。我觉得看似简单的几何设计组合到了一起是很完美的。另外,雨淋式头顶淋浴系统的设计也让我们很喜欢。如果你看到了最终的成品,你也一定会被它吸引。“设计拒绝被忽视的产品”这是我们的设计初衷,也是我们设计团队始终秉承的宗旨。总之,这个作品所设计的每个细节我几乎都很喜欢。我认为这个作品不仅美观好看,也能让人感受到其背后的设计巧思。另外我还想说的是,FAENZA法恩莎 品牌在委托我们创作设计时,几乎100% 放权让我自由发挥。说真的,这对于一个甲方公司来说,是很少见的,因为只有让设计师充分发挥,才能创造出独特的设计作品。 Q:3FAENZA法恩莎:你提到CIRKLE 在设计中使用了几何形状,你认为这是一个困难的过程吗?JAREN GOH:Geometry in objects is natural andthe human eye is very attuned to spotting geometricalshapes and profiles. These are simple mathematicalshapes with the properties and relations of points,lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensionalanalogues. They are pleasing to the human eye.To create a new and original profile with standardgeometrical shapes we are already familiar withtakes time and effort. To make sure that the resultingprofile is also pleasing to the eye can be a challenge.物品的形体在日常生活中是很自然、人眼可以轻易的辨识的几何形状和轮廓。这些简单数学形状、点、线、面、实体及高锥等元素的组合使用,会达到让人很赏心悦目的状态。要将这些为人所熟知的几何形状,在人们脑中固有的印象里去创建一个新的形象,确实需要大量的时间与精力。还要确保这个几何轮廓,能让人眼前一亮,这可能还真是一个不容易的挑战吧。 Q:4FAENZA法恩莎:你的作品很“直白”,这是你的个人风格吗?JAREN GOH:I think so. We have always believedthat design should not be cosmetic. Every detail andcomponent should be there for the simple reason tomake the product work. By the way, this is not“My style”.Actually, many great designers and their classicworks follow this simple formula. It was theprinciple taught in every design school from dayone. But its very difficult to practice it in real life,that’s why they are the great designers.Simplicity and practicability is not “my style”.Its Design 101.是吧。我一直认为设计并不是为了装饰,产品每个细节和组件的存在,只是为了让它能正常运作。但,这不是“我的风格”。事实上,许多伟大设计师以及他们所创作的经典作品都遵循了这个简单的公式,每个设计学院从一开始也是传输给学生这样的理念。但是在现实生活中却很难实现,这也是为什么他们能成为设计大师。简单实用并不是“我的风格”是设计最基本元素。Q:5FAENZA法恩莎:你可以简单介绍一下你的设计之路吗?JAREN GOH:I gradua 自我实现的需求主要指成全、展现个体自我的个性与目标,并能发挥自己的潜能及帮助他人获得成长等,进而产生意志自由、成熟健康的感觉。包括个体对创造力、解决问题能力、公正度等实现目标和发挥潜能的需求。ted from Nanyangpolytechnic, Singapore in 2006. I wasn’t the beststudent or anything but I had this amazing lecturerthat probably changed several courses in my life.He wasn’t conventional and super straightforward.If a design is good, it’s good. If its bad you redo theproject. Nothing in between and no need forexplanation. That’s the design culture he created inour class.Apparently the school system hates him for it.But I learnt my basics and I learnt never tocompromise in design.Then I started JG Design and later Blakk inSingapore which allowed me to work with manyinternational clients.We also started Munkii which is a designer furniturebrand for markets in US, Europe and China.2006年我从新加家坡南洋理工学院毕业。我并不是最优秀的学生,但我有一位改变了我非常多、并且非常可敬的教授。他和一般的教授非常不同,他非常直率。一个作品是好的,那就是好的,如果不好,就重头做过。没有介于二者之间的存在,也无需过多解释。这就是他在我们班上所创造的“设计文化”。学校的教学系统并不喜欢他这类老师。但在他这里,我学会了很多设计基本,以及一种在设计中永不妥协的基本原则。我在新加坡成立了JG Design,后续又创办了Blakk Singapore,也因此与许多国际客户有了合作的机会。我们还成立了一个面向美国、欧洲和中国市场的设计师家具品牌Munkii。时至今日,我们仍然遵循这个永不妥协的原则去完成每一项设计工作。Q:6FAENZA法恩莎:据说你和Munkii公司有很多故事?JAREN GOH:We were young then andwanted to design and create furniture pieces f环保整治romour own point of view. We have some successeswith the Vintage bookcase, Turing Barstool andAlpha & Beta lamps when we first exhibited inMilan in 2009.From Munkii, our design started to evolve into whatwe are today:to design luxury and premium products with oldschool design principles.那个时候,我们的团队还很年轻。我们希望能用我们自己的理念来设计和创作家具产品。2009年我们受邀在米兰首次展出了我们的家具作品——Vintage书柜、Turing椅和Alpha & Beta 灯,因此在业内备受瞩目。从Munkii 这里开始,我们逐渐发展出了现在的设计模式:用传统的设计方式及思维,设计高级、优质的产品。 Q:7FAENZA法恩莎:CIRKLE是你为FAENZA设计的第一个作品,有什么经验你能分享给我们的吗?JAREN GOH:I have highlighted about Faenzaearlier, I am lucky we always get clients that allowdesigners to free-range. As a consumer myself,we know how our society today is packaged in toomuch commercialization and advertising gimmicks.Its very rare for companies to allow artists to beartists and designers to be designers.I cannot stress how important this is for creativityand innovation. I think you guys have created acompany culture where design and originality isrespected and revered.就像我前面提到的,我们很幸运总是能遇到像FAENZA法恩莎 这类客户,能给到设计师极大的发挥空间。作为一个消费者,我们都知道现在市面上许多产品被太多夸张的品牌包装与广告噱头包围。所以说,允许艺术家和设计师原汁原味地发挥所长,在现在的企业中是非常罕见的,这种优秀的观念对于创造力和创新的发挥,也是十分重要的。我认为,FAENZA法恩莎已经创造了一种尊重设计与创意的企业文化。 Q:8FAENZA法恩莎:从你的角度来说,你认为CIRKLE这套产品所要表达的的设计精髓是什么?JAREN GOH:Cirkle is designed with oneobjective in mind: to awe.We wanted to create a product that is simple yetcomplicated. Distinctive yet making practical senseat the same time. Yes, its sort of an oxymoron butthis is the crux of the entire design: straight linesconverg石鳞ing with large curves or the arrangementof various geometrical shapes to create one an eyecatching profile.Cirkle is meant to be that fixture that commandsattention in any 茶馆ce. Our purpose is to createsomething that makes you look and think,something that creates conversion, something thatis NOT designed to be ignored. I hope we have donethat with Cirkle.CIRKLE 的设计目的只有一个:让人眼前一亮。我们想创作出一个简约又复杂,独特又兼具实用性的产品。这是一种具有矛盾性的冲突设计,但这也是整个设计的关键之处,直线与大曲线之间相互交错形成的几何形体,创造了一个引人注目的轮廓造型。CIRKLE 旨在成为在任何空间都能引人瞩目的装置。我们的目的是希望创作一些能引发思考的东西,把普通日常的家居配置变成了不可忽视的艺术家居,我希望,CIRKLE 的设计达到了这个目的。 Q:9FAENZA法恩莎:在设计过程中,你是否认为CIRKLE这套产品很难实现出来?JAREN GOH:Of course. It  is  sinfully  and  insanely difficult  to  make. But like every productever made, a design is only an idea until thephysical product can be produced or created. Forthis, I would personally like to thank Faenza’sR & D department. They have worked closely withthe design team to passionately and painstakinglycreate Cirkle. The process from blueprint to producttook 2 years of unwavering effort and commitment.And their effort is evident in every attention todetails in the product.对的。CIRKLE 的制作难度相当大。和所有产品一样,设计只是一个想法,当这个创意变成实际的产品被生产出来时,是需要耗费很大的时间与精力的。在这里,我也要感谢FAENZA法恩莎的研发部门,是他们与设计团队的紧密合作,共同实现了CIRKLE 这套产品,从设计蓝图到产品上市,这个过程一共花费了两年的时间,大家对产品所做出的努力与承诺,都表现在了产品的细节上。Q:10FAENZA法恩莎:未来是否还会与FAENZA有其他合作呢?JAREN GOH:I believe there will be. Cirkle is thefirst entry in a proposed luxury designer seriesfrom Faenza. And with the company’s uniqueculture of letting designers do what they do best,I am sure Faenza will continue to put out exclusiveand interesting products in the future.我相信这一定会有的。CIRKLE 系列是我们和FAENZA法恩莎的第一个高端设计系列产品,法恩莎是一个对设计师保留极大创作空间的公司,一直在让设计师做他们做擅长的事情。所以,我觉得FAENZA法恩莎未来一定还会有更多独特且有意思的设计产品推出。